
National CSOC Cyber Security Services

Every business, agency, or organization uses information technology (IT) to meet and exceed goals and objectives. Today’s IT world is filled with threats from hackers, cyber criminals, and even nation states. Do you know your IT weaknesses and vulnerabilities? Do you know the threat posed to your critical data, brand, operations, and financial viability?

The National Cyber Security Operation Center (CSOC) mission is to improve the defense and resilience of network systems against cyber-attacks; prevent/mitigate damage from cyber-attacks; and provide expeditious incident response. CSOC cyber security services are defined within a systematic, structured, risk-based framework of identifying, assessing, and rating an organization’s cyber risks, as well as providing a detailed corrective action plan to effectively mitigate and/or eliminate identified vulnerabilities.

Ensuring the security of your network and protecting critical data is a challenging process. Conducting Continuous Compliance Assessment and Monitoring through the use of Threat Monitoring, Penetration Testing, and Vulnerability and Physical Security Assessments allows you to know your IT network vulnerabilities and take action to stay ahead of the evolving cyber threat you face. Maintaining Continuous Monitoring provides real-time visibility to quickly detect and react to potentially malicious network activities, security misconfigurations, or other vulnerabilities. Use of Cyber and Phishing Awareness Training and Assessments ensures a trained and ready workforce to meet the growing cyber threat.

When suspected security breaches occur, our Incident Response and Forensics Analysis services help attacked customers triage the incident, minimize impact, eradicate threat sources from the network, and recover systems to a normal operating state. To further aid customers in responding to potential incidents, our Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) support reduces liability risks, aids disaster recovery, and helps ensure business continuity.

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Compliance Assessments

Our cyber hygiene and regulatory Compliance Assessments allow your business or agency to conform to variety of industry and regulatory compliance standards. Included are the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Cyber Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) standards, under which certification will be mandatory for companies to compete for future defense contracts. The National CSOC is a leader in conducting compliance assessments at all levels and across multiple agencies and regulatory environments to include, but not limited to, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement (DFARS), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), and Defense Information Assurance Risk Management Framework (DIARMF). This focus helps you to better prioritize your IT security spending and planning.

Our Cyber Security Analysts utilize industry leading assessment tools and proven procedures to gather an accurate picture of your security risks. Our techniques give you knowledge — and knowledge is power in a cyber threat filled world.

CSOC Ops Center
CSOC Ops Center